
Adguard dns router
Adguard dns router

Some routers re­quire a spe­cific ap­pli­ca­tion, which in that case should be al­ready in­stalled on your com­puter/​phone. If you don’t re­mem­ber it, you can of­ten re­set the pass­word by press­ing a but­ton on the router it­self. Usually, you can ac­cess it from your browser via a URL (like or You may be asked to en­ter the pass­word. Open the pref­er­ences for your router.This setup will au­to­mat­i­cally cover all the de­vices con­nected to your home router, and you will not need to con­fig­ure each of them man­u­ally.

adguard dns router adguard dns router

Go to the Filters tab and add my com­piled mega­l­ist from.You can eas­ily set up your own server with the same fil­ters some­where closer to you, or even on your pri­vate net­work by sim­ply fol­low­ing these steps: Contributions to the scripts and lists used to com­pile the mega­l­ist are wel­come on GitHub as well! Replicating my setup You can re­port any is­sues you may en­counter (broken sites/​apps, un­blocked ads, etc) via GitHub. It is hosted in Central Europe and might be no­tice­ably slower out­side Europe.My DNS server is lis­ten­ing on the fol­low­ing ad­dresses: Sharing is car­ing, which is why I’ve de­cided to make my server avail­able for every­one!

adguard dns router

I wanted an easy so­lu­tion to block­ing ads and track­ing on all my de­vices and ad­guard DNS did­n’t block quite enough for me, so I de­cided to run my own AdGuard Home server. (I will be hold­ing onto the IP ad­dress to pre­vent any po­ten­tial abuse) (This is my per­sonal rec­om­men­da­tion, and not a paid spon­sor­ship.) It is free for up to 300,000 querys per month and al­lows you to eas­ily con­fig­ure it your­self. INFO: My DNS server un­for­tu­nately broke re­cently and will be down for an un­known amount of time, un­til then I can highly sug­gest you to use NextDNS in­stead.

Adguard dns router